Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's not too late to make a New Year's resolution - For your pet!

2015 has just begun, and now is a good time to think about taking care of everything on your "to do" list for your pet's health. Here are our recommendations for preventative health care to help keep your pet healthy and help you avoid high vet bills.

1. Update your pet's vaccines.

2. Take steps to ensure that you have your pet on Heartworm Prevention and Flea Control.

3. If your pet is not spayed or neutered, get it done as soon as possible.

4. Get those extra pounds OFF! Not only will your pet have more energy and feel better, but you will help prevent many diseases related to being overweight.

5. Have your pet checked for any concerns that have been nagging at you. It may be wise to get that worrisome lump removed, or get a dental cleaning.

6. Consider routine bloodwork for an elderly pet.