Thursday, August 28, 2014

7 Foods you Should Never Feed Your Cat

Although cats are not usually table beggars, giving them human food can still pose a hazard to their health. Here are the top foods that should never be fed to cats.

1. Raw fish can cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats. It also contains thiaminase that can break down an essential B vitamin, thiamine. A deficiency of thiamine can cause neurological problems and convulsions. 

2. Onions and Chives are more toxic to cats than dogs. The toxic allium components they contain can damage red blood cells and cause anemia, even in trace amounts. It doesn't matter if the onion is raw, cooked, or powdered. Therefore some human baby foods should also not be fed to cats because they may contain onion powder.

3. Uncooked eggs may contain salmonella and other parasites that could lead to pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). On occasion, and in small amounts, it is safe to offer cooked eggs.

4. Bones can splinter and cause choking and intestinal blockage or perforation. Never give your cat a bone.

5. Fat Trimmings can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis if fed to cats. 

6. Caffeinated drinks/foods can cause an increased heart rate and agitation that could be dangerous.

7. Milk can cause diarrhea and other stomach upsets, especially in the adult cat whose digestive tract has normally become somewhat lactose intolerant.

* Although not a food, Tylenol and Aspirin can be deadly if given to your cat.
* For more information on foods hazardous to felines, visit the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center website. Their call center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and their phone number is 888-426-4435.

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